Scrum vs Six Sigma in HRM

October 22, 2021

Scrum vs Six Sigma in HRM

If you're looking for a way to optimize your HRM processes, you've probably come across Scrum and Six Sigma methodologies. Both Scrum and Six Sigma offer unique advantages in project management, but what if we compare them specifically for use in HRM?


Scrum is a flexible and adaptive framework that uses iterative cycles to deliver high-quality work. In HRM, Scrum can help teams collaborate more effectively, align goals, and deliver value in short sprints. Scrum can also help HR teams respond easily to changes, making it an excellent choice for companies dealing with constant HR changes.

Advantages of Scrum in HRM

  1. Enhanced collaboration and transparency.
  2. Improved goal alignment and communication.
  3. Faster and more responsive HR operations.

Six Sigma

Six Sigma focuses on continuous process improvement by reducing defects or errors to less than 3.4 per million. Utilizing statistical data, it aims to create a consistent and quantifiable process that ensures quality output. In HRM, Six Sigma can help companies streamline their HR processes, reduce cycle time, and ensure consistency in decision-making.

Advantages of Six Sigma in HRM

  1. Efficient and streamlined HR processes.
  2. Consistency in hiring and decision-making.
  3. Reduced cycle time on HR processes.

The Comparison

Methodology Advantages
Scrum Enhanced collaboration and transparency, improved goal alignment and communication, faster and more responsive HR operations.
Six Sigma Efficient and streamlined HR processes, consistency in hiring and decision-making, reduced cycle time on HR processes.

Although both Scrum and Six Sigma present useful methodologies for HRM, it is important to note that they have different focuses. Scrum focuses on rapid and flexible delivery, while Six Sigma focuses on minimizing defects and reducing errors.

In summary, if your HR team deals with constant changes, prioritizes flexibility and transparency, and desires to have a more responsive HR operation, then Scrum is the way to go. However, if consistency in decision-making, efficient HR processes, and a reduction in cycle time are the main objectives, Six Sigma is the preferred choice.

Remember, every HR team has different needs and goals, so it is essential to evaluate which methodology is best suited for your team's specific requirements.


  2. Six Sigma Institute

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